US Weekly
Hallmark’s Tyler Hynes and Hunter King Share ‘Excitement’ Over Kansas City Chiefs Rom-Com (Exclusive)
Tracy Palmer, Signal Horizons
... an ultra gory, blood-soaked night in a house of horrors.
Gary Auerbach, who has produced a mix of mainstream and genre-focused TV series such as Paranormal State
Convo X Fango Fangoria
Interview with Gary Auerbach, Julie Auerbach, Ryan Francis and Jason Goldberg
John Edward Betancourt, Nerds That Geek
Nerds That Geek Movie Review: ‘Stay Out of the Attic’
But what truly makes this particular film so worth the audience’s time, is the sheer fact that it has more to offer than mere scares and splatter. For this is a horror flick that is also quite relevant to the times, since it has some terrifying and fascinating commentary to offer up in regard to systemic racism and its sudden resurgence in modern America and also how we can properly combat it
Signal Horizon Magazine
Stay Out Of The Attic Review- Fear Salts The Meat In Shudders Ultra-Gory Film
The next weekly release from Shudder is Stay Out Of The Attic, an ultra gory, blood-soaked night in a house of horrors. As part of Shudder’s commitment to keeping horror fans busy, Stay Out Of The Attic drops Thursday. If you like your horror films wild and not overly “think,” you won’t find a more enjoyable one. It’s the kind of easy horror movie that requires a great deal of cringing, yelling at the screen, and laughing. This film presents as a B movie with a tired premise but loads of potential. Luckily it delivers on that potential while not destroying the appeal of an indulgent B movie.
‘Stay Out Of The F**king Attic’ review: turbo-charged, bad-taste horror for Wes Craven fans
Shudder's latest original takes fright fiends inside a Nazi-themed haunted house Wen a movie goes by a title like Stay Out Of The F**king Attic, you enter with certain assumptions. You assume there’s something in an attic, you assume at some point one of the characters will say the exact words “stay out of the fucking attic”, and you assume the film is going to be pretty ropey. Happily, Stay Out Of The F**king Attic exceeds expectations on at least two counts. Not only is there something in the attic, there’s something in the basement too. And it’s not ropey at all – it’s actually a rollocking good, turbo-charged horror movie.
Park Record - Interview
Top Dead Center Films thrilled to find horror opportunities in Utah
Gary and Julie Auerbach want to scare up some production activity in Utah. The Park City couple, who worked in the Hollywood film industry for more than 20 years, have started Top Dead Center Films, a producer of film and TV in the horror genre worldwide, said Julie.
Nerds That Geek
Nerds That Geek Movie Review: ‘Stay Out of the Attic’
One important lesson that each and every one of us are taught at an early age, is to mind our own business. Which is a lesson that has a lot of merit, since a lot of what happens around us in the world, really has no impact upon our lives, and ignoring it and sticking to our own lives serves us quite well…
Frightfest 2020: ‘Babysitter Must Die’ Review
Josie Jane (Riley Scott), the young babysitter for a wealthy family, just found the perfect hiding spot for a game of hide-and-seek with the child in her care. Seconds later, the family’s home is invaded by a pack of brutal cultists, hunting down an apocalyptic secret hidden within its walls. They terrorize the family. But they don’t know about Josie… Trapped inside a dark, sprawling, secluded home and confronted with next-level evil, Josie has two choices: Stay hidden and hope to survive the night or strike back from the shadows and defeat the cult. Armed with a handful of useful skills she learned in childhood as a Mustard Scout, Josie fights back against the cult in an attempt to save her charge, if not the entire family…
[FrightFest Review] 'Babysitter Must Die' Kills with Laughs and Fun Characters
Everyone who’s worked as a babysitter has had that one job where everything goes wrong. I know I have… …Making its world premiere at this year’s FrightFest, writer/director Kohl Glass’s horror-comedy written with Julie Auerbach and Kevin Tavolaro, Babysitter Must Die, is about just such a job, though this time the problem isn’t the child they’re caring for, but the pack of violent cultists that invade the home to hunt down a secret hidden within its walls. The premise grabbed my attention immediately and the 75-minute runtime wastes no time jumping into the thick of things, successfully maintaining a fast pace from beginning to end.
BABYSITTER MUST DIE [FrightFest October 2020]
Josie (Riley Scott) forgoes a Christmas party and a chance for fun to babysit for a famous music producer. When they return home early, she continues playing hide and seek with young Sophia (Scarlett Hazan), but the game is interrupted when a cult-following trio invade the house in an attempt to open a portal to Hell. Josie must use her skills learnt in her annual Mustard Seed camp to evade and overcome the attackers.
The Kim Newman Web Site
FrightFest review – Baby Sitter Must Die
My notes on Baby Sitter Must Die A fast, funny, action-oriented horror movie (aka Josie Jane: Kill the Babysitter) that doesn’t cover new ground but does have a nice, spunky attitude.
Projected Figures
Babysitter Must Die (2020)
It is the Christmas period, and while her college co-ed friends are out partying, Josie Jane (Riley Scott) is babysitting young Sophia Castillo (Scarlett Hazen). “I’d honestly rather be babysitting,” she tells her mother at the beginning of Kohl Glass’ ominously titled Babysitter Must Die – and this desire is rooted not so much in a need for the money as in Josie’s preference for a little girl’s company to that of her own age group Josie is stuck in her childhood – unable to drive, “dresses like a 12 year old” and still active (as a troop leader) in the Mustard Seeds Scouts that she first joined in elementary school (and that her oldest friends have long since left behind). Yet the beautiful if secluded Castillo home harbours in its walls and beneath its foundations some alarming, even apocalyptic secrets, unbeknownst to Sophia’s record-producing father Rick (Robert Scott Smith) and mother Jen (Kristen Marie Jensen) – and a trio of driven cultists (Melinda Yeaman, Nathan Stevens, Nic Fitzgerald) is set on viciously undermining the domestic order and taking control, with only resourceful girl scout Josie to stop them.
Ready Steady Cut
Babysitter Must Die (Frightfest 2020) review – a fun home invasion slasher
Babysitter Must Die is a horror movie from director Kohl Glass who previously bought us You May Now Kill the Bride. Starring Sneaky Pete’s Riley Scott, The World’s Fastest Indian’s Kristen Marie Jensen and Punch-Drunk Love’s Nathan Stevens. Babysitter Must Die follows Josie Jane (Scott), a college student who ditches a Christmas party for a babysitting gig looking after Sophia (Hazen), only to learn the gig isn’t going to be for too long when the family returns. Josie agrees to one more game of hide and seek with Sophia, when three unwanted guests known simply as The Intruder (Stevens), The Brute (Nic Fitzgerald) and The Woman (Melinda Yeaman) kill some and hold others captive. Josie must stay hiding in an attempt to save the family and escape alive.
Well that was a lot of fun. Short, brisk, and bloody. Thumbs up #BabysitterMustDie
— dpm74 (@dpm74) October 23, 2020
. #BabysitterMustDie was good, silly fun and I demand a sequel!#FrightFest
— Chris ‘be kind’ Foster 🌱 (@PsychChris101) October 23, 2020
#BabysitterMustDie is a fast and fun home invasion crossed with a coming of age story with plenty of violence and a very likeable lead that reminded me a little of Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse #FrightFest #ArrowFrightFestAtHome @FrightFest
— Stacespiria #TheHorrorMovieMaven (@Stacespiria) October 23, 2020
BABYSITTER MUST DIE was utterly brilliant 🔪 a dark comedic horror, featuring sardonic humour, witty one liners, and a kick-ass, resourceful unlikely heroine. An absolute indie gem. @FrightFest #FrightFest #BabysitterMustDie
— Hayley Alice Roberts (@HayleyARoberts) October 23, 2020
#FrightFest delivers another blinder with #BabysitterMustDie.
— Neil Hopkins (he/him) (@interacter) October 23, 2020
So much fun. Exactly what you want from a home invasion movie. Self knowing. Tense in the perfect areas, silly in the right places.
And with a couple of twists too.
Nicely done @FrightFest!
7 for 7 !!!! #BabysitterMustDie is a cracking home invasion flick, with an interesting premise. Not an ounce of fat on it.
— Ephemerawoman (@ephemeragrrl) October 23, 2020
Last up is Neil Marshall’s new flick, The Reckoning, which Is more witches...#FrightFest
NOW LIVE!! Fango host @HorrorGirlProbs chats with Gary Auerbach, @JulieATDCFILMS @jscottgoldberg and Ryan Francis from STAY OUT OF THE ATTIC! (on @Shudder) Watch here:
— FANGORIA (@FANGORIA) March 30, 2021